Monday 10 August 2015

The Devil's Drink (Alcohol)

By "drinking" I do mean alcohol so to clarify, I am 18 years old which is the legal drinking limit in the UK where I live. Okay, that's that out of the way... I'd show you my ID, but I forgot it so "Please bartender pretend I did show you". For real though I am 18.

Right, so I'm not going to lie I had had alcohol before I turned 18 *pause for gasp*. My mum let me have babycham at Christmas and New Years every year from the age of 10. And of course she would rather I tried alcohol at home where nothing bad could happen so at the age of 15 I had a couple of glasses of wine with meals, cider when I felt classy, and beer (which I can't stand, but is good for drinking when I want to pace myself). As well as this I did go to a couple of parties where there was alcohol before I was 18, but I totally never drank any as that would be irresponsible. Especially never drank vodka straight, that's just downright dangerous... *cough*

Anyway, so by the time I turned 18 I already had the base foundation for drinking. I knew what I liked and didn't like and I was ready to go to pubs and bars with friends and choose drinks like the connoisseur I thought I was... Wrong! I quickly realised that my experimentation with drinks was just the tip of my scotch on the rocks (geddit, because iceberg... rocks=ice...  Oh how I amuse myself)

Currently my favourite drink is a rum and coke on the rocks with a lovely straw to protect my teeth with are sensitive and I don't want to discolour them anymore than they already are from coffee etc. (I'm British, we have bad teeth, it's in our nature)

Here are some pictures of the making of a rum and coke on the rocks with said straw:

But I know when reading something about alcohol all you really want are some funny stories... Okay here we go...

So the best story I guess is the time I was at my first house party... I didn't really know how to behave at one of these and it was my first time getting drunk. I did the usual, cry drunk, kiss people drunk, tell friends I love them, you know very typical, but there is one story I tell everyone from that night.

It was the first time I had met a lot of people at that party, I only really knew the host and three others, but I mingled and did the above. And then I was sitting next to this guy (who is now a great friend of mine) who for my safety (he will kill me if I attach his name to this story) we will call... Robert. So I was sitting in between Robert and this other girl talking to someone else when Robert, only an hour or two after meeting me empties his stomach onto my lap before passing out. It was bright pink vomit and it smelled so bad. I obviously made sure he was okay, let others deal with him properly and then went to clear myself up.

He, the next day, apologised to me time and time again and, of course, like the wonderful person I am, I forgave him. And, like the horrible person I am, I also hold it over him every time I do something bad to him... Like the time I got drunk and threw water over him... Oh god, I hate hindsight.

But yeah, now I'm one year older (practically a different person) I do handle my drink better (or at least I have at the most recent parties I have been to) and I no longer cry for hours on the floor or under a table with people telling me it's fine and basically ruining party atmospheres.

(Of course the funniest story is the time I went to stand up and fell straight back over and practically belly-flopped the concrete whilst my friend Marnie who is half the size of me in both height and weight tried to help me back up)

So yeah, drink responsibly, there's nothing wring with enjoying a night of drinking and making mistakes as long as no one takes advantage of you in your situation and you have fun. (Just don't do anything illegal like drink driving or anything like that)

Let me know if you have any funny drinking stories or what your favourite drink is in the comments below (If your not of legal drinking age then I'm sorry, this post isn't as relatable, but at least you can laugh at my misery.

Until next time,


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