Sunday 15 November 2015

Okay... It wasn't that bad...

I am now at University yay! And all the worries I previously had have now faded away because I have realised it was all for naught.

Making friends is so much easier than you think it's going to be. If you're lucky, you get a good group of flatmates and they are helpful and kind.... Mine are... sometimes helpful and never kind (lol #banta) sorry I'll never do that again. They're a good group actually, sometimes it can be difficult being outnumbered by northerners, of which there are many. As well as flatmates there are many people who are in the same boat as you and, on the whole, if you shoot someone a smile, they'll shoot you one back and, if you've nothing to do, introduce yourself. The worst that could happen is that they ignore you. Simple really so there is no need to worry about that. Oh hindsight what a wonderful yet cruel thing you are.

The next thing I was worried about was space. To be fair I could have brought some more books with me and when I go home for Christmas I might grab a few more things, but my initial worry over there being no space was not something I actually needed to worry about, my room is quite "room-y" (if you'll pardon the pun) and I have plenty of space.

Drinking is, of course, a big part of freshers week, but I only went out once. Myself and my flatmate instead stayed in and watched all the Lord of the Rings movies and all the Pixar movies. I've never been a massive fan of clubbing so I am more than happy to sit in and watch a series of movies until I have square eyes. But even if you do go to the clubs you don't actually have to drink... To be fair I never heard the words "DOWN IT FRESHER!" so as far as I'm concerned that's a rumour, but like I said,  I've only been out once and it was with freshers so maybe I'm not the best person to ask.

The only other thing I guess I was worried about was the lectures. Now I'm only one week into actual lectures and my seminars start next week so I will have to get back to you after that. So far they've been fairly simple. Mostly just introductory stuff which is a bit boring for me because I have been introduced to Sociology two times already so I'm waiting for them to finish with the basics. I don't mind too much though because I have been in love with Sociology for so long that it doesn't bother me that I get to hear the same thing again. (I guess that's the benefit of taking a course that I am so so so interested in that it has yet to bore me so far)

I think that's everything for now, this is just like an update for you all because I have been absent for so long. Hopefully this helps out any of you going to University next year or any others who are just as worried as me and are going through the same thing right now.

Until next time,


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